FSU football fans seem torn on President Thrasher and interest in renaming Doak Campbell Stadium. I discuss the fan reaction to his tweet.
FSU football has been intertwined with the movement for social equality since the beginning of the latest wave after the death of George Floyd.
Head coach Mike Norvell was proactive in his approach to being open to talking about issues with his players.
He had a miscommunication with his team that was addressed and ultimately brought the team closer together as they continue to go through voluntary workouts. The team created a Unity Walk last week that was joined by the Tallahassee community, and players have been vocal on their social media platforms, fighting for justice.
However, the latest wave sweeping the nation is the removal of anything that seems to honor or suggest racism is OK. We’ve seen monuments removed, flags banned by NASCAR, the SEC Conference giving Mississippi an ultimatum on their state flag.
FSU was put back in the mix when former FSU linebacker Kendrick Scott launched a petition to change the name of Doak Campbell Stadium. The petition has over 2,100 signatures that caught the eye of FSU’s President Thrasher. He released a statement via his Twitter account Monday afternoon:
— FSU President Emeritus John Thrasher (@FSUPresThrasher) June 22, 2020
The reaction was strong on both sides. A lot of fans do not want the name of the stadium changed while others support the move as it’s documented the former FSU President did not want blacks enrolling at FSU.
Fan Reaction
Changing a name doesn’t change history. Where does this end ?
— HudNOLE (@StanHudson011) June 22, 2020
Correct. The history will still be available for those who wish to research it. No need to keep someone's name on something just for history's sake.
— SpearIt (@SpearIt) June 22, 2020
Let the Seminole Tribe name it.
— Hunter K (@hkh11d) June 22, 2020
The name has been home to decades worth of memories and is home to years worth of FSU Football. I can’t imagine not being able to say I’m headed to Doak. Sincerely hope that we do not change it.
— Chandler McBride (@Chandler_M_16) June 22, 2020
Due to the money issue, I think the best thing is to sell the stadium name for millions. But I would be happy with Bobby Bowden stadium
— Kyle (@Noles369) June 22, 2020
Don’t change the name. It’s meant so much to so many since being built and being named. It’s interesting how it has not been a problem for soooo long until someone created a petition. Do the right thing and keep it named because of why it was named after him.
— moins que demain (@MoinsQue) June 22, 2020
Its been a problem now because people were ignorant to the fact that the man was a segregationist or, those who knew, simply didn’t care. The world isn’t going to end if they change the name to stop glorying a segregationist.
— M (@mmtgnm) June 22, 2020
First of all, as a Native American, I wouldn’t lose my mind if they didn’t change the name from Doak Campbell Stadium. Doak Campbell got to witness the university integrate shortly after he retired and he lived another decade after that.
However, I understand why the name change has come about and I can’t think of better timing to further strengthen the university’s bond with the Seminole Tribe. I suggested it be renamed Chief Osceola Stadium at Bobby Bowden Field.
After all, Chief Osceola was the leader of the tribe that represents being “Unconquered” on the statue outside of the stadium. Yes, changing the name doesn’t change history. If a woman gets divorced and remarried, she can’t change history.
However, most women do not choose to keep the name of the first husband, right? I wonder why that is? Well, it became time to start a new chapter in her life, and this is no different. All of the wins and championships will not be forgotten. Heck, you can still call it the “Doak” if you want too.