FSU football looks to have turned what could have been a disaster into a positive. Marvin Wilson speaks about the aftermath of the team meeting.
FSU football seemed to be in a pivotal position just a few hours ago. Fans were not sure how things were going to shake out after FSU team captain Marvin Wilson seemed to challenge head coach Mike Norvell on a statement he gave to the media.
I wrote about all of it here and how some of the players responded after the meeting, and it looked as though the program came out of the meeting with a good understanding.
However, Marvin Wilson had not spoken since the team meeting at the time I published that article. Frankly, I didn’t think he should since I felt it was an in-house matter.
However, he released a video on Twitter that likely has turned this situation from a disaster into a huge positive:
— Big Marv 🦍 (@marvinwilson21) June 4, 2020
The first thing I noticed was him addressing Mike Norvell and thanking him for allowing him to use the platform he has to be the change everyone needs. That alone, let me know the meeting was fruitful, and the team should be able to move forward as long as everyone is held accountable.
More importantly, it sounds like the team left the meeting with clear goals and ways to achieve those goals for the common belief of all the players and coaches.
The passion Marvin Wilson spoke with was powerful, and more importantly, I think this meeting with pull this team together on and off the football field.
Mike Norvell has a real opportunity to make a difference here. It’s all about those action items and not having simply lip service. This is bigger than football of course, but it’s also an opportunity for this coaching staff to separate itself from everyone else.
This could have been bad, but it looks as though what happened is what should have happened ultimately.
A coach taking responsibility and addressing his team as a man and they all decided to work together for the collective good.
Now, it’s time to go to work on and off the field.